Management Structure Review Committee |
3 February 2003 Dear Member, I am writing to you on behalf of the Management Structure Review Committee which was established at the Management AGM on the 16th December 2002. The purpose of the Committee is to review the structures of the Management Committee. In accordance with the Constitution of the Club, the role of the Management Committee is as follows: "The Management Committee shall administer the business affairs of the Club and the property under it's control, in accordance with the aims and objectives specified in the Constitution and shall have all such administrative powers, as may be necessary, for properly carrying out the aims and objectives of the Club." Currently under the jurisdiction of the Management Committee are the following Sub Committees: o Bar o Grounds o Social o Development o Ladies o Special Fundraising o Finance o Draw We are examining the existing structures of the Management Committee, the operations of the Sub Committees, and the interaction between all Committees and members. We are asking for your comments, suggestions, ideas and proposals on what you think are the most effective management structures for our Club. You can use the attached questionnaire/comment sheet if you wish. Please return all responses in the enclosed envelope by the 16th February 2003. Yours sincerely in sport. _______________________ TOM RIORDAN Chairman Management Structure Review Committee MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Tom Riordan, Andy Hayes, Terry Hassett, Ger O' Mahony, Andrew Guerin and Tony Linehan. TO DOWNLOAD THE QUESTIONAIRRE/COMMENT SHEET - RIGHT CLICK HERE AND SELECT SAVE TARGET AS |