Club Gear |
Blackrock National Hurling Club Club Gear.
Playing Gear -
Cummins Sports Shop Douglas Court and Cork City - Jersey/Tracksuits/Shorts/Socks Most of the Blackrock National Hurling Club playing gear, which includes tracksuits, jersey, shorts and socks can be obtained by visiting the Cummins sports shop at Douglas Court in Cork city. The shop also carries a wide range of hurling gear from sliotars to hurleys and helmets. Cummins Sports occasionally visit the club on Saturdays and display its extensive range of Rocky goods.
Rocky shop -Jersey/Tracksuits/Shorts/Socks and other gear including Baseball Hats, Woolen Hats, Fleeces, Hooded tops, Jackets, Polo Shirts, Umbrellas A new Rocky shop will open on next Saturday June 26th 2004 morning at the pavilion. It will feature Rocky jerseys, shorts socks, tracksuits, hoodies, poloshirts and tee-shirts, in fact everything a young Rocky need. The shop will be operated by May O’Brien
Click here to view order form and price list for Children Gear Click here to view order form and price list for Adults Gear
Young Rockies with a selection of Club Gear
Rocky Fleece and Peaked Cap,
Rocky Jacket
Rocky Fleece and Woolen Hat,
Rocky Tracksuit (available from Cummins Sports at Douglas Court)
Rocky Jersey ( available from Cummins Sports at Douglas Court)