Coaches Seminar March 2005


Coaches seminar.

Over 40 coaches attended the seminar held at Church Road on Wednesday 30th March.

Donal Coughlan addressed the issue of encouraging participation of young people in sport.

In the course of a highly stimulating and challenging presentation he examined the various issues involved in coaching for fun, in coaching for competition and in coaching for winning.

Dr. Paddy Hayes focused on sports injuries, how to recognise same, what to do in various circumstances.

The necessity to adopt a sensible and precautionary approach and the importance of keeping parents informed of any injury issues was emphasised in the discussion.

Mairead Ni Mhaoileoin concentrated on the vital importance of ensuring that child protection policies are in place and being adhered to throughout the club.

She urged special emphasis on up to date codes of behaviour, codes of good practice and satisfactory reporting procedures in sports clubs.

The above seminar is the first in a series of presentations to be held by the Blackrock Hurling Club which will facilitate and promote discussion on all aspects of hurling and sports coaching for young people.

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                  Donal Coughlan                         Dr. Paddy Hayes                Mairead Ni Mhaoileoin