Mycro Helmets Indoor Hurling League 2009.

Mycro Helmets Indoor Hurling League.



Very large crowds attended the Sports hall In St.Anthony’s School on Saturday 28th February to witness the 2009 Finals of the Blackrock Mycro Indoor Hurling Leagues. First up was the Contenders Finals and in spite of a draw in the Final, the Buzzards were deemed victorious due to goal differences in the earlier round of games. For Coach Colm Daly it was a great morning as he managed to get the very best out of his team. Blackrock senior player David Cashman presented the medals to all the participants.

Tom Cashman manager of the defeated Ospreys praised his team

“It’s very easy to come along when you are winning; it takes great lads to turn up week after week if the results are not going your way”

The Challengers Finals saw the Vultures emerge from the flock to claim victory ahead of the Hawks and the Harriers. Youngsters such as Mark O’Keeffe, Daniel Tyner, Adam Coughlan and Nathan Montgomery played their hearts out for coach Declan McCarthy.

A thrilled Declan admitted afterwards that he was extremely proud of his charges, “We were extremely unlucky in the earlier rounds and the lads had to dig deep to come away with this one” he admitted.

Paul Tierney presented the medals to all the Rockies.

The Champions Final came down to the Falcons and the Condors, however the Condors justified their top of the table position by taking the honours in a hard fought final. David Dalton, the Cormack twins and Mark Madden were outstanding for the winners, while Eoghan O’Leary, David Carroll and Jacob Buckley caught the eye for the Falcons.

There were tears of joy and tears of sorrow at the end of the 63 game tournament, however Wayne Sherlock praised all the boys for their efforts as he presented the medals.

The thanks of the Blackrock Hurling Club go to Victor Morgan of Mycro Sports for his sponsorship. We are also grateful to Flor O’Sullivan, Principal of St. Anthony’s School for the use of his facilities.


League Table after round 6


After an outstanding league campaign, without a strike or a development squad in sight, we have reached the Finals Day of the 2009 Mycro Sponsored Spring Leagues.


The finals will take place in St. Anthony’s School Hall, Ballinlough, on next Saturday 28th February next.


It has once again been a fantastic league with some 54 games being played to date and nine more scheduled. Our thanks to all the Rockies who participated and we especially complement your wonderful attitude and sportsmanship.


It has being amazing to watch the improvement in skill and speed over the weeks. A big thanks to the parents for your support and hopefully we will have a big turnout for our finals day.


Thanks to the coaches who have marshalled their teams superbly, Mr Flor O Sullivan Principal of St Anthony’s and Victor Morgan of Mycro Sports our Sponsor.


A special word of thanks to Jody Crowley for looking after the league tables and schedules.










League Table after round 4












League Table after round 3












League Table after round 2































Click here for fixtures and team lists

Click here for action pictures

Click here for presentation pictures 

Click here for team pictures