Registration Day 2005 |
morning. A
huge crowd attended Church Road last Saturday morning March 12th to register
Rockies for 2005. An amazing total of over 350 registrations, a new record for a
single morning, were taken over the two hour period and there was also a
wonderful response to the special hurley offer. Blackrock
Primary Chairperson, Seamus Hartnett was delighted with the huge response, “it
shows that parents and children are very interested in hurling and want to be
involved in healthy outdoor sports activity. I would like to thank everybody who
made the morning such an over whelming success and we cannot wait for Saturday 9th
April when we begin hurling outdoors at Church Road.” Rockies
can still register on Saturday 9th April or at their training
sessions however completed registration forms must be returned to the club if
youngsters intend to play hurling with Blackrock Primary and Juvenile sections
this year. Due to insurance issues and administrative reasons hurlers must be
registered with the club, so outstanding registrations must be returned as
outlined above. Pictures from the Registration Day Coaches registering the players May O'Brien displaying Blackrock jerseys and leisure wear Carraig Caterers
of Rocky hurling helmet. This took place also at Church Road last Saturday morning March 12th. Ronan Curran, marketing manager with Mycro Sports attended the formal presentation of the new helmet which is now available in the Rockies colours and contains the Rocky logo. Due
to the new rules in relation to the compulsory wearing of full face guard
helmets, the under age sections advise all players in the club to ensure they
have the correct helmet. An indication of the outstanding success of this new
Rocky helmet was that virtually our entire stock of helmets was sold out and we
received orders for many more. It is in everyone’s best interest to ensure
that hurling continues to remain one of the safest sports around for young
people to play. Mark Keane wearing the new Rocky Hurling Helmet with Ronan Curran, Seamus Hartnett and Eamon O'Donoghue Colm Daly assisting young Rockies with the new hurling Helmet