Scally's Super Valu G.A.A. Initiative


Presentation of January Winner

Scally’s Super Valu Draw.

The January winner in the Scally’s Super Valu draw was Joanne Holland from Kilbrack Lawn, Blackrock. Please keep all those Super Valu receipts coming, the boxes are located at the Club pavilion and at the indoor hurling sessions. Just add your name and contact details to your Scally’s receipts and place them in these boxes in order to qualify for the draw for a 100 euro gift voucher.



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LtoR Tom O'Sullivan, Eamonn O'Donoghue, Marie Delaney, Tom Scally, Martina Ryan, Damien Holland



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LtoR Tom O'Sullivan, Roger Ryan, John Holland, Blanche Mulconroy, Eamonn O'Donoghue,Tom Scally, Damien Holland, Marie Delaney, Alan Delaney, Martina Ryan, Con O'Leary



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LtoR Roger Ryan, Blanche Mulconroy, John Holland, Tom Scally, Con O'Leary, Alan Delaney, Sean and Orla Holland