Super-Leagues U10/11 2004


Under 10's and Under 11's  2004


Superleague for U10/11 Cup and Shield finals

The Rovers caused an upset when defeating the Rebels, their conquerors of the previous week in the Super league Cup Final. In the Super league Shield final - the Saints eventually defeated the Rockies by 4 points in a very exciting game


Click here for Team Lists and Coaches 


Click here for match reports and results


Click here for pictures from the finals



Could the players bring Jerseys as follows:


Rockies team  - Blackrock Jersey 

Rebels team  - red jersey or tee-shirt 

The players on the Saints and Rovers teams will be given jersey's on the night



Sunday 25th April 

Rockies V's Rovers (Main Pitch) 

Saints V's Rebels (Back Pitch)


Sunday 9th May 

Rockies V's Rebels (Main Pitch) 

Rovers V's Saints (Back Pitch)


Sunday 16th May 

Rebels V's Rovers (Main Pitch) 

Saints V's Rockies (Back Pitch)


Sunday 23rd May 

Cup Final Rebels V Rovers 

Shield Final Saints V Rockies.


Note:  no matches on the 2nd of May,  Bank Holiday Weekend

The Super Leagues are sponsored by: Carey Tool Hire