Super-Leagues U-6/7 2003 |
Under 6's and Under 7's The Blackrock under 6 and 7 super leagues will commence on Saturday 6th September and will continue on the 13th, 20th with the finals on the 27th September. There was an enormous crowd at Church Road last Saturday to watch the Super league finals in the under 6/7 age-group. Pegasus and Charmeleon finished at 4 goals each in the Cup Final and were joint winners. Joey, Blastoise and Mew narrowly defeated Pikatchu, Kaiba and Yughio respectively in the Shield, Plate and Bowl finals. Almost 90 boys played in this League and it was the most successful and enjoyable of the year. Well done to everyone involved. Click here for Fixture Details Click here for results and match reports
The teams are Group 1
Group 2