Super-Leagues U-6/7 2007 Fixtures |
Under 6's and Under 7's - fixtures
Round 1. Saturday 8th September. Gruffalos V Stonthrowers; Skulduggers V Pooh Bears. BFGs V Red Foxes; Hungry Caterpillars V Wise Owls. Round 2. Saturday 15th September Gruffalos V Skulduggars; Stonethrowers V Pooh Bears BFGs V Hungry Caterpillars; Red Foxes V Wise Owls. Round 3. Saturday 22nd September. Gruffalos V Pooh Bears; Stonethrowers V Skulduggers. BFGs V Wise Owls; Red Foxes V Hungry Caterpillars. Finals; Saturday 29th September
For further details contact Ger at 086 3196063 prior to September 8th and afterwards the managers of each team.