Superleague U6/7 2005 Presentation

The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Deirdre Clune paid a visit to Church Road on Saturday 24th October to preside at the medal presentation ceremony for the Under 6 and 7 Blackrock Super League finals.


In the course of her talk to the young Rockies she praised them  for their efforts in the various finals and congratulated them all as winners. 


The Blackrock Super Leagues afforded every child an opportunity to be part of a team and to play a full game each Saturday morning.


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The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Deirdre Clune with Seamus Hartnett, Chairman of the Primary section


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Large attendance at the presentation


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Tadhg Deasy C3POs Captain


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Sean O’Callaghan Darth Vaders Captain


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John O’Sullivan Jedi Knights Captain


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John O’Shaughnessy Droids Captain


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R2-D2s led by Mark O’Leary and Mark O'Keeffe


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 Jacob Buckley Siths Captain


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Mark Morton Skywalkers Captain


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. Mark Cunningham Naboos Captain