Winter indoor hurling programme 2005



The Saturday morning hurling coaching has now finished for 2005 after what was a very successful six months of hurling at Church Road. Once our Rocky coaches have recharged their batteries we will begin our Winter indoor hurling programme on Saturday 5th November.

Due to the very large numbers of Rockies we will operate in both St.Anthony's School Hall and at the new Blackrock Hurling Hall simultaneously on Saturday mornings.

Indoor Hurling Schedule.

St Anthony's School Hall Ballinlough.

Panel Saturday mornings Times

Age 5 (Born 2000) 9.30 -10.30

Age 6 (Born 1999) 10.30-11.30

Age 7 (Born 1998) 11.30-12.30

Blackrock Hurling Hall

Age 8 (Born 1997) 10.00 - 11.00

Age 9 (Born 1996) 11.00 - 12.00

Age 10 (Born 1995) 12.00 - 1.00pm

The indoor hurling programme will continue for 5 weeks each Saturday morning until December 3rd. All Rockies are advised to go to the correct venue at the times detailed above and play within their panels. A series of Indoor hurling leagues will be held in St.Anthony's School Hall for the 1995 and 1996 panels in January and February 2006.